Work Life
August 31, 2023

The question of meaningful work

Rita is wondering if there really is all that much value in being her job as a cosmetologist aside from contributing her earnings to the family budget. What advice would you give her?

Rita trained as a cosmetologist. She’s always gotten a lot of satisfaction out of making her clients’ hair, and skin, and nails look beautiful. One evening recently, her fifteen-year-old son made a comment that both somewhat angered her and caused her to think.  “Mom, wouldn’t it be better to be doing something that helps people on the inside, rather than just fixing up the outside?”  

To her credit, Rita didn’t respond instantly but chose to consider a more thoughtful response.  Later that evening, she sat down with her son and shared her thoughts.  “However, vain or inconsequential it may seem, for many people, how they look on the outside does have a lot to do with how they feel on the inside.  So, for many, if I am helping them look better on the outside, I am helping them feel better on the inside.  Plus, many of my clients take the time while I am doing their hair, face, or nails, to share with me important details of their lives.  I get many opportunities to give a little counsel and hopefully point people in the right direction.”

While her son wasn’t all that impressed with what she said, what Rita thought through on the matter had helped her feelings about what she was doing with her work life.  Now she’s come to you, one of her best friends and an occasional client.  She’s wondering if there really is all that much value in what she does aside from contributing her earnings to the family budget.

Consider the following:

1. What will you share with her?  

2. What would you say to her son, if you had the chance to talk with him?

From Building to Blessing is a resource created in conjunction with the Agathe Center for Entrepreneurship. Learn more →

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