Ralph's Blog
December 2019

Next generation: what do righteous people do?

It is not particularly fashionable these days to be too serious about too many things. With all the information we receive on a daily basis, it truly is easy enough to become overly concerned about way too many things.

It is not particularly fashionable these days to be too serious about too many things. With all the information we receive on a daily basis, it truly is easy enough to become overly concerned about way too many things. So what is among the few things that we should take seriously – any thoughts?

At the Agathe Center, we are particularly serious about the responsibility that we believe is ours for the next generation of impact entrepreneurs. It even gets to the heart of our own spirituality. German pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer expressed it when he said, “A righteous person is one who lives for the next generation.”

Bonhoeffer had every opportunity to avoid the scourge of Nazism that had darkened his homeland. Following his postgraduate study in the United States, he could have spent the years as a commentator from afar, preaching great sermons, writing great books and waiting for safer, better times. But, as a righteous person in the proper sense of that phrase, he knew that he must return to Germany and live (and even die) for the next generation. He knew that he must personally involve himself and contribute all he could for the sake of those coming of age in such turbulent times. We would argue that any righteous person in any context carries a similar responsibility – living for the next generation. Is it something that you are serious about?

It is our goal at the Agathe Center to see a next generation of impact entrepreneurs emerge who will bless their communities and societies. We exist for that. It is a serious goal – passing on knowledge, providing encouragement, connecting to resources, creating opportunities. We live for a next generation who prospers, who blesses, and in turn, lives for the generation that will follow them. That is what righteous people do.

From Building to Blessing is a resource created in conjunction with the Agathe Center for Entrepreneurship. Learn more →

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